Welcome to my website where you can get the most out of Commodore 64 game design!
Be sure to sign up as a new registered user. You don’t want to miss this. As a free gift, I am giving away access to several programs that first inspired me to learn more about the Commodore 64. What’s new:
Get your C64 website promoted
Brand New User Interface (Dashboard)
Many screens are updated with a better look
Easier Menu Navigation
Archive of my downloads (year 1990)
A monthly online membership will get you access to code and has a full tutorial for the game “C64 Assembly Language Project 2020“. This includes a complete break down of how parts of this assembly language program work from the initialization of memory, game maps, joystick moving, screen scrolling, sprites, and so much more!
New: Commodore 64 Basic Programs Contributor Page. Show off your work and get traffic to your site and social media for free!
Update: The YouTube Commodore 64 Game Project for video 10 is now underway. This one will include a demonstration on some of the animation techniques the project will have. Learn more about the project on the Commodore 64 Game Project page.
New: Just added a new section where you can view Compute! magazines as PDFs. Be sure to check it out! These magazines began in 1979. Hidden inside you can find a lot of content covered for the PET, VIC 20, Commodore 64, and several other computers. They included program listings from the early start up until about 1987. Enjoy!
If you are into art and want to learn more or are just curious be sure to check out a site I called called Fine Art Pencil. Believe it or not, improving your art can help you design better tiles and get a better perspective on making Commodore 64 game maps.
They also covered industry news, products, and even game reviews. Truly they were one of the best magazines to in publication. Compute! also became famous for a lot of Commodore 64 books, and for other computers.
You can now also view the Commodore 64 Run Magazines on this site!
Basic Programming
101, 2019
Basic Text Adventures
Discovering a Text Adventure Game [...]
Assembly Language
Game Design Guides
2401, 2019
My accident into computers
Computer Brain: Geek Alert It is not always easiest [...]
1603, 2019
Commodore Disk Directory
C64 disk directory Floppy disks can contain Commodore 64 [...]
2312, 2018
Old West Files
This text adventure allows you to navigate through time [...]
Game Design
Game Hacks
501, 2022
Commodore 64 Graphics
I've often wondered myself what is the secret to [...]
402, 2019
Character ROM Graphics Redefined
C64 Character Set Graphics The Commodore 64 computer is [...]
302, 2019
Commodore 64 Regenerator 1.7
C64 Regenerator 1.7 Disk images can be loaded into [...]