As I continued to trudge further forward in life, I continued my drawing adventures up through eighth grade. At that time, I was attending a small middle school on the western side in Akron, Ohio. The students traveled via buses that strolled through our neighborhoods. I have not yet developed a connection to libraries yet since I could not find a good reason to attend one.
History Assignment Reward
So my adventure into learning about computers happened by accident or maybe it was by a stroke of luck. At that time I vividly recall that I was enrolled in a History class. To be honest, I had no interest in learning about history during that time since I was still drifting off to other worlds, more often something in an alien environment. Now I cannot even begin to explain the unexpected situation that occurred a few months later.
I entered my History class as usual one day and found my seat in the back corner. The teacher began to lecture and talk about the homework assignment she made mandatory for the previous lesson. I stared down at the simple essay that was required and waited for the teacher to finish her statement. When she asked for the students to turn in their assignments, to her surprise she discovered that I was the only one in the entire class that had completed it. It was a little embarrassing to become a teacher’s pet in that present moment, but I remember what she said afterward, “Class since Steve was the only one who decided to do the homework assignment, you are all going to write your essays during class, and he gets a free trip to the library for the rest of the day.”
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